Brow Arc Achieves 6x ROI Using Goodcall

"Before Goodcall, we were losing a lot of potential customers. We've received so much data and feedback on our calls and we can see all of it for all 32 locations on one screen. ”

-Jessica McElheny, Corp at Brow Arc Tukwila, WA,


Overcoming Staffing Constraints

Addressing the challenge of maintaining on-location service while answering phones with limited resources presented difficulties. Meeting these challenges head-on was not always feasible.

Elevated Call Transparency and Data Insight

The activation of Goodcall agents at all 30+ Brow Arc locations brought about transformative results. Customer support and bookings were streamlined, and communication between our locations and our customers saw remarkable improvement.

Attracting New Customers and Expanding Opportunities

With their agents handling a staggering 25,000+ calls, Brow Arc achieved growth in bookings, elevated customer satisfaction, and a wealth of new opportunities on their path to success.

About BrowArc

Company size



Brow Arc Salons is a family of beauty salons that specializes in eyebrow threading and other facial hair removal services. We offer a variety of threading services, including eyebrow threading, lip threading, and full facial threading. We also offer brow tinting, brow lamination, and henna tattooing.



Automated responses increase data reliability


Before Goodcall, Brow Arc faced difficulties in maximizing the value of each call, as employees juggled salon customer management while trying to answer incoming calls.


Leveraging Goodcall Across All Locations for Consistent Customer Service. Skill Management and Agent Optimization Driven by Customer Feedback.


Brow Arc's Agents Managed Over 25,000 Calls with a 75% Interaction Rate, Leading to a Remarkable 6x ROI and Savings of Over 6,000 Hours!

“I would tell anybody considering Goodcall to try it. It puts you in the drivers seat to see what's going on within your business and to begin focusing on your marketing and operations.”

-Jessica McElheny, Corp at Brow Arc Tukwila, WA,

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